Magico Gacka – May 2014


Report of a fishing trip on the Gacka, wonderful Croatian chalk stream, historical “water” for European flyanglers. After the splendor of the years 60/70/80, after the war of the Balkans, it lived alternating good and less good moments. In recent years it seems that fishing has returned to good levels and above all the specificity and repetitiveness of the hatches that characterize these waters have been maintained. Attention, I do not mean to say that the hatching of insects is abundant and constant, on the contrary I want to say that, when there are, the fisherman who chooses the right imitations and present them in the right areas of the river can achieve excellent results.

Following the few but fundamental rules of this river that flows slowly among the aquatic grasses full of life, are for me the essence of fly fishing. Undermining fish in waters whose depth often exceeds even the bottom three / four meters, are a good part of what dry fly fishing offers. Choosing a fish to fish and dedicating it to that for an entire afternoon (or even for two days …), in addition to a great challenge, is an exciting comparison with oneself.

The photographic chronicle of these days represents a bit the “usual type of fishing” on the Gacka. Early in the morning visit and fishing at the sources of the river and the area of old mills, then fishing in the central high part, where small ephemeral olive hatches occur (Church of Santo Francesco, Old Hotel Gacka, etc.). In the afternoon, fishing in the middle of the river, downstream from the confluence of the Kostelka and the first bridge, with sedges that make fishing truly spectacular.
Of course, other areas of the river are also very interesting, more solitary and less traveled by fishermen: indeed the true connoisseurs of the river often walk silently on the banks in search of the “trophy” fish that can be in superficial activities with silence and tranquility. In the latter case, the Gacka, if approached with the right preparation, can offer considerable satisfaction.

A special thanks to friends on this fishing trip: Giancarlo, Alessandro and Lorenzo, father and son who have been fishing together for the first time in these beautiful waters.

Otocac, 24/05/2014 – Simone Falchini